Libraries Of The Future Scenarios For 2050

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Libraries Of The Future Scenarios For 2050 – Ray Stark Family Theatre, SCA 108, USC School of Cinematic Arts Complex, 900 W. 34th St. LA, CA 90007

IBM and the Research + Practice Development Program invite you to attend and participate in panels and workshops that explore future opportunities.

Libraries Of The Future Scenarios For 2050

Libraries Of The Future Scenarios For 2050

Enjoy free pizza and find out how to create an original project – game, AR/VR, live action,  animation or photo installation – and collect it in a digital time capsule until 2050!

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The panel aims to inspire future thinking – to spark discussions about new technologies and AI that have the potential to benefit the future – in the world of film. and the world.

·        Stuart Candy: An introduction to future processes, with an emphasis on building a just, sustainable and ethical society

·        Rachel Joy Victor: A summary of how to create new experiences, using data that connects global capabilities and individual companies. Ethnic Futurism will be discussed.

·        Marientina Gotsis: A summary of the revolution of AI and new technologies in the media in medicine and health and a look at the trends in this field.

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Participants will exit the theater and enter the Lobby to eat pizza and create small work/dinner groups to envision the future through play. It starts with a short warm-up to help the ideas flow, then moves into a more in-depth session to brainstorm future scenarios together. The goal is to start your Time Capsule 2050 motion picture project.

The event will close with an explanation of the Time Capsule 2050 project and the competition. Students are encouraged to create and submit a new advertising campaign that presents their vision for the future by 2050.

Projects are selected if they present an imaginative and creative prediction about one or more of the world’s conditions in 2050. Projects can be dystopic, utopian, apocalyptic, dream, experimental, hyper-real, abstract, documentary, mockumentary, comedy, science fiction, theoretical or non-fiction. Make your predictions about culture, technology, environment, transportation, food, fashion, and entertainment that don’t exist today, but may exist in the next 25 years!

Libraries Of The Future Scenarios For 2050

Judges will look for originality, technical innovation, and creativity in all aspects of the project, including but not limited to concept, artwork, character design, sets, props, costumes, dialogues/voices, sound effects, music, technology to create projects, and a general vision for the future.

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The 2050 Time Capsule Project provides enrolled USC students and Class of ’24 USC graduates the opportunity to describe, write, and share their predictions for the future. Students can work together in small groups of 2-4 people or individually. Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement about our Time Capsule mini production package. The Time Capsule program is a fun summer program.

The deadline for submissions is December 2024, and cash prizes of up to $3,000 will be awarded for Time Capsule screening in early 2025. All projects that meet the submission criteria will be submitted and “sealed” ” will be stored in a digital time copy at USC Digital Archives until 2050.

The Time Capsule will be launched in 2050, and viewers will see what the future of its contributors looked like 25 years ago. This program provides an opportunity for dialogue between different times and ages. The world is on the brink of a life revolution. What is your company doing to shape the world for the future?

“Sustainability is shaping the way the world changes – and will continue to do so in the future.”

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The world is falling apart. Which path we take for sustainability affects not only the current generation but the generations after us. Citizens, governments, and companies also play an important role in shaping the world of the future, creating the basis for a sustainable revolution. The risks of not doing so are clear. But where there is chance, there is opportunity. Ignoring sustainability in your corporate strategy can put you at risk of reputational damage, problems in the supply chain, and negative impacts on the environment. Choose to answer the regular questions and you will reap the big benefits.

In recent decades, sustainability has played an important role in corporate strategic initiatives. Since the European Green Deal, companies have started to implement compliance and ethical standards. But it’s not because their mind is shocked. However, the public is still leading the debate on sustainability, and growing public concerns have led to tighter regulations in areas such as CO2 emissions, green recycling and waste gender. Generation Z is proving to be an exciting demographic, and as these new employees enter the workforce, companies need to strengthen their commitment to sustainability. Today’s employees expect their companies to have a social mission, a global mission and a presence in the outside world. And companies that want to attract top talent need to toe the line.

Along with pressure from the public and their hospitality workers, the business world is also facing stricter government regulations. The law plays an important role in creating the necessary conditions for a healthy journey. Here, we see specific geographical differences: In Europe, the focus is on product life cycles, CO2 emissions, the circular economy and the share of women in leadership positions; in the United States and China, the legal framework is less stringent. Increased concerns about sustainability issues are also affecting the financial markets, and expect more customers from companies that are concerned about their sustainability practices.

Libraries Of The Future Scenarios For 2050

Therefore, the business world is under pressure from many parties: society, managers, and investors. This has led to a demand for a standardized framework for measuring corporate responsibility. An increasingly popular framework is ESG, which refers to three main areas of sustainability: environmental, social and corporate governance issues. The ESG framework has many advantages over other approaches: It is holistic, covering all aspects of a company’s sustainability; it can be measured and therefore can be used for goal setting and internal direction; and customization, which can be customized to a specific agency or company. Therefore, ESG frameworks have begun to develop rapidly in some areas, such as the investment world.

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However, the question that arises in the minds of many experts is whether the life cycle is too fast? Trying to predict the future with accuracy is foolproof, but we have a tool to reduce the complexity of an infinite number of possible futures: scenarios. We have developed four scenarios, or snapshots of what the world will be like in 2050. The three decades will be very different from each other, and will also show the planning units of governments and administrative agencies, and therefore the company.

Taken together, our four characteristics are a vision of a sustainable future – a “sustainarama”, as we call it. We create thought-provoking situations that stimulate reflection and debate. Therefore, in our “planned new world”, by 2050, environmental protection will be mandated by law, climate disasters will be prevented, and global warming will be limited to just 1.5°C, global poverty will decrease. We live in what is called a form of “state communism” for survival, with laws covering every aspect of our lives.

In contrast, in an “every man for himself” scenario, most of the world could no longer be settled in the desert, with more than a billion people fleeing. in the place of residence, the seas were too big to fall, and food was scarce. Companies still donate, but for “bread and pie.”

But for companies, the most desired feature is “Race to keep”. Driven by consumers, companies act as influential players in society, competing for innovative solutions that drive green economic change.

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What can companies do to create a sustainable, sustainable and environmentally safe future? There are many opportunities, from achieving CO2 neutrality, eliminating child and labor in their supply chain and ensuring gender diversity in their organizations, to connect CEO salaries and employee benefits to sustainability. We recommend companies to develop an effective radar to detect these opportunities as soon as possible – as below (click on the icons for more information):

“Many groups are driving sustainability issues: investors, managers and society. In particular, the new generation of employees – Generation Z – is very committed to sustainability.”

The business world must begin to undergo a revolution. This includes determining their “aspiration level” for each activity area in their life strategy. Should they try to be a pioneer in a different field, or should they first connect with their competitors? The level of ambition must be realistic, as public scrutiny is increasing over time. There should be no signs of “washing green”; Actions must match words. We believe that companies that do not integrate sustainability into their strategy are playing with fire. An indifferent attitude towards sustainability issues can cause serious problems for the business world – supply chain risk, bad reputation, environmental damage, etc. But sustainability has economic opportunities. For example, you can use sustainability as a guiding principle

Libraries Of The Future Scenarios For 2050

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